Click to view the BLS numbers this data is based on
Question: IF it has taken 16 months to put between 1.8 and 2.3 million folks back to work THEN how long will it take 
 to put enough folks back to work in order to get unemployment back down to the March 2007 level of 4.40%?
Answer 1: At least 60 more months (5 yrs) best case and as much as 100 more months (8 yrs) worst case (see numbers below).
Answer 2: PBS NEWSHOUR, March 4, 2011; Lisa Lynch (Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandies University),
"So, 200,000 jobs a month, if we continue to keep that pace of job creation, to get back down to, say, the 5 percent unemployment
rate we were at before this recession started, that pace of job growth would mean it would take until 2019 before we got back down
to 5 percent."... In other words 8 years.  Here is why...
(Oct 2009 Baseline)
Real (U6) Unemployed BLS Employable * Real Unemployed Percentage
30,960,000 154,800,000   20.00%+ REAL U6 PEAK (per many serious estimates)
29,109,200 154,800,000 18.80% CURRENT (if 8.90% U3 vs. 10.10% peek U3)
Fake (U6) Unemployed BLS Employable * Fake Unemployed Percentage
26,940,000 154,800,000 17.40% U6 REPORTED PEEK (via BLS Oct 2009)
25,089,200 154,800,000 16.21% U6 assuming ADJUSTED U3 (Feb 2011)
24,620,000 154,800,000 15.90% U6 current claimed (via BLS Feb 2011)
12,380,000 154,800,000 8.00% U6 claimed (via BLS Mar 2007)
1,850,800 Found jobs in past 16 months (Oct 2009 to Feb 2011)
2,320,000 Supposedly found jobs per BLS in past 16 months (Oct 2009 to Feb 2011)
14,560,000 Need to find jobs to match BLS numbers (Mar 2007 )
Fake (U3) Unemployed BLS Employable * Fake Unemployed Percentage
15,628,000   154,800,000 * 10.10% U3 REPORTED PEEK (per BLS Oct 2009) *
15,480,000 154,800,000 10.00%
15,325,200 154,800,000 9.90%
15,170,400 154,800,000 9.80%
15,015,600 154,800,000 9.70%
14,860,800 154,800,000 9.60%
14,706,000 154,800,000 9.50%
14,551,200 154,800,000 9.40%
14,396,400 154,800,000 9.30%
14,241,600 154,800,000 9.20%
14,086,800 154,800,000 9.10%
13,932,000 154,800,000 9.00%
13,777,200 154,800,000 8.90% U3 CURRENT ADJUSTED (via BLS % Feb 2011)
13,673,000 153,600,000 8.90% U3 Current claimed (via BLS % Feb 2011)
13,622,400 154,800,000 8.80% Required numbers to draw down real UE
13,467,600 154,800,000 8.70% Required numbers to draw down real UE
6,811,200 154,800,000 4.40% U3 Required numbers to draw down UE to 4.4% again
1,850,800 Found jobs in past 16 months (Oct 2009 to Feb 2011)
1,955,000 Supposedly found jobs per BLS in past 16 months (Oct 2009 to Feb 2011)
8,668,800 Need to find jobs to match BLS numbers (Mar 2007 )
* The BLS Employable number is taken from the BLS data base as they reported for Oct 2009 and
   is used as a base line assuming only those folks continued to keep looking for work going forward;
   not adjusted for population growth due to immagration, etc.